Who are we?
The Breck Robotics program is run by Breck School, an independent school in Golden Valley, Minnesota. The program has two teams, Stampede 3630 and Rodeo Robotics 3891. There are students from grades 7-12 are all involved are passionate about the program, who spend time designing, building, and programming two competitive robots. In the process, they learn to work together as a team and expand their technical and engineering skills. The coaches and mentors come alongside the students and share their passion, helping them by offering guidance and support.
What is FRC?
The FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is an international competition run by FIRST, an organization who aims to prepare young people for the future through team-based robotics programs. FRC is targetted primarily towards high school students. Teams are given six weeks to design, build, program, and tailor their robots to a specific challenge, announced at the beginning of January. Our hope is to qualify for the state and international FRC competitions after we competing in regional competitions.
For more information about FIRST, visit their website.